
0516- 85080888


始終秉承“誠實(shí)守信,綠色環(huán)保,以人為本,創(chuàng )新發(fā)展”的經(jīng)營(yíng)理念

企業(yè)簡(jiǎn)介 企業(yè)文化 榮譽(yù)證書(shū) 合作伙伴 廠(chǎng)房環(huán)境
您當前所在位置:首頁(yè) - 關(guān)于晶鑫


徐州市晶鑫新材料有限公司坐落于素有“千古龍飛地,一代帝王鄉”美稱(chēng)的徐州豐縣,在這塊迸發(fā)出璀璨文化和偉大民族精神的兩漢文化發(fā)源地的土地上,公司創(chuàng )立之初便始終以關(guān)注人民美好生活和綠色低碳環(huán)保為己任,致力于研發(fā)各種保溫材料,推動(dòng)行業(yè)發(fā)展,是一家集研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、銷(xiāo)售、施工為一體的新型建材企業(yè)。

公司占地520余畝,主要經(jīng)營(yíng)各類(lèi)保溫建材,公司主要生產(chǎn): 保溫結構一體化板、擠塑板、勻質(zhì)板、巖棉制品、復合巖棉板、聚苯板等,并依靠?jì)?yōu)質(zhì)品質(zhì)發(fā)展綠色保溫建材產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈,努力打造以“綠色環(huán)?!睘槔砟畹谋亟ú纳a(chǎn)基地。公司得益于“五通匯流,五省通衢”得天獨厚的地理優(yōu)勢,并持“以誠信互利共榮,以厚德載人載物"的發(fā)展宗旨,努力推動(dòng)行業(yè)良性發(fā)展,促進(jìn)社會(huì )可持續發(fā)展,為客戶(hù)創(chuàng )造價(jià)值,為奮斗者提供舞臺,秉承“海納百川,合作共贏(yíng)”的漢文化精神,承上啟下,進(jìn)礴發(fā)。

Xuzhou Jingxin New Material Co., Ltd. is located in Fengxian County, Xuzhou, Jiangsuprovince, which enjoys the reputation of "the eternity dragon administrative enclave, a generation ofking township". As the birthplace of Han Dynasty culture, this land embraces brilliant culture andgreat national spirit. ln its earlier days, the company has taken it as its own responsibility to payattention to people's wellbeing and green, low-carbon and environmental protection, dedicated todeveloping thermal insulation materials of all kinds and advancing the whole industry. All in all, it is anew building materials company that integrates research and development, production, sales andconstruction.

Covering an area of more than 520 mu, the company mainly deals with various thermal insulationmaterials for construction, with insulation structure integration board, extruded board, homogeneous boardrock wool products, composite rockwool panel, polystyrene board, etc. its major products. The companydevelops high-quality green industry chain of thermal insulation building materials, and makes every efort tobuild the production base under the concept of "green environmental protection". With the geographicaadvantages of "confluence of five channels and thoroughfare of five provinces", the company holds itsdevelopment purpose of "mutual benefit and common prosperity with integrity, individual tolerance and sociacommitment with virtue." lt endeavors to promote a benign development of the industry, advance sociasustainable development, create values for customers and provide arena for strugglers. Upholding thecultural spirit of Han Dynasty, namely, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, the company will connect thepast and the future and leap into boundless development.


誠實(shí)守信,綠色環(huán)保,以人為本,創(chuàng )新發(fā)展






誠實(shí)守信,綠色環(huán)保,以人為本,創(chuàng )新發(fā)展
